Jong Telstar Netherlands


Squad of Jong Telstar in detail

# Name / Age / Position Foot Height Nat. in the team
Floor Ursem Floor Ursem
Goalkeeper , 17 years
Netherlands ?
Pauline van de Pol Pauline van de Pol
Defence , 21 years
Netherlands ?
Bente Duivenvoorde Bente Duivenvoorde
Netherlands ?
Esmeé Daalman Esmeé Daalman
Defence , 18 years
left Netherlands ?
Tess Tiebie Tess Tiebie
Midfield , 18 years
Netherlands ?
Joy Vader Joy Vader
Midfield , 18 years
Netherlands ?
Lieke Vis Lieke Vis
Midfield , 20 years
Netherlands ?
Corina Schoorl Corina Schoorl
Midfield , 20 years
Netherlands ?
Nicci Berrevoets Nicci Berrevoets
Striker , 18 years
left Netherlands ?
Lize de Vries Lize de Vries
Netherlands ?