Frauenteam Thun Berner-Oberland II Switzerland

 Frauenteam Thun Berner-Oberland   Frauenteam Thun Berner-Oberland Jugend   

Squad of Frauenteam Thun Berner-Oberland II in detail

# Name / Age / Position Foot Height Nat. in the team
Noe Kämpf Noe Kämpf
Goalkeeper , 17 years
Switzerland ?
Mirjam Stäuble Mirjam Stäuble
Goalkeeper , 29 years
Switzerland 2014 - ?
Sara Kupferschmied Sara Kupferschmied
Goalkeeper , 20 years
Switzerland 2023 - ?
Andrina Hadorn Andrina Hadorn
Defence , 24 years
Switzerland ?
Mirjam Gilgen Mirjam Gilgen
Defence , 22 years
Switzerland ?
Sabrina Zimmermann Sabrina Zimmermann
Defence , 33 years
Switzerland 2018 - ?
Ilaria Castignetti Ilaria Castignetti
Midfield , 28 years
Switzerland ?
Jeanine Zobrist Jeanine Zobrist
Midfield , 22 years
Switzerland 2019 ?
Vera Dubach Vera Dubach
Midfield , 33 years
1,75 Switzerland 2015 - ?
Eliane Bätscher Eliane Bätscher
Midfield , 24 years
Switzerland 2020 ?
Lisa Gerber Lisa Gerber
Midfield , 22 years
Switzerland ?
Sonja Lundsgaard Hansen Sonja Lundsgaard Hansen
Midfield , 42 years
Switzerland ?
Nadija Hamidovic Nadija Hamidovic
Midfield , 23 years
Switzerland ?
Eline Schuling Eline Schuling
Midfield , 25 years
Netherlands 2021 ?
Leonie von Niederhäusern Leonie von Niederhäusern
Midfield , 26 years
Switzerland 2021 - ?
Alisha Baumgartner Alisha Baumgartner
Striker , 25 years
Switzerland ?
Sara Motta Sara Motta
Striker , 28 years
Switzerland ?
Amina Hamzic Amina Hamzic
Striker , 20 years
Switzerland 2021 ?