Hellas Verona U19 Italy

 Hellas Verona   

Squad of Hellas Verona U19 in detail

# Name / Age / Position Foot Height Nat. in the team
Irene Bucci Irene Bucci
Goalkeeper , 16 years
Italy ?
Vittoria Mazza Vittoria Mazza
Italy ?
Giorgia Tiberio Giorgia Tiberio
Italy 2022 - ?
Eleonora Lovato Eleonora Lovato
Italy 2021 - ?
Giulia Pelucco Giulia Pelucco
Midfield , 21 years
Italy ?
Gaia Zordan Gaia Zordan
Midfield , 16 years
Italy ?
Ilaria Veronese Ilaria Veronese
Midfield , 18 years
Italy ?
Matilde Rachello Matilde Rachello
Midfield , 17 years
Italy 2023 ?
Noemi Bissoli Noemi Bissoli
Striker , 20 years
Italy ?
Elena De Cao Elena De Cao
Striker , 21 years
Italy ?
Greta Zanoni Greta Zanoni
Italy ?
Maddalena Totolo Maddalena Totolo
Striker , 18 years
Italy ?