
Pinatar Cup

This is the list of all goal scorers in the tournament. The player's total minutes, scorer points and his average minutes/goal are shown.

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List of goal scorers

# Name / Club Age S - - - -  - - E Pts.
Martha Thomas Martha Thomas
Schottland, Striker
27 2 0 1 165 55 3 0 0 3
Oona Sevenius Oona Sevenius
Finnland, Striker
20 2 1 1 61 61 1 0 0 1
Jutta Rantala Jutta Rantala
Finnland, Striker
24 2 0 2 155 155 1 0 0 1
Claire Emslie Claire Emslie
Schottland, Striker
30 2 0 2 150 - 0 0 1 1
Katariina Kosola Katariina Kosola
Finnland, Midfield
23 2 1 0 165 - 0 0 1 1
Ria Öling Ria Öling
Finnland, Midfield
29 2 0 2 120 - 0 0 1 1