Rangers FC Academy Scottland

 Rangers FC   

Squad of Rangers FC Academy in detail

# Name / Age / Position Foot Height Nat. in the team
Truly Pollard Truly Pollard
Scottland 2020 - ?
Mia McArthur Mia McArthur
Defence , 17 years
Scottland ?
Millie Paton Millie Paton
Defence , 16 years
Scottland ?
Abigail Tobin Abigail Tobin
Defence , 17 years
Scottland ?
Abby Hayes Abby Hayes
Scottland ?
Jessica Linden Jessica Linden
Midfield , 16 years
Scottland ?
Lily Boyce Lily Boyce
Midfield , 15 years
Scottland ?
Alba Stewart Alba Stewart
Scottland ?
Georgia Gray Georgia Gray
Midfield , 18 years
Scottland ?
Sophie Black Sophie Black
Midfield , 16 years
Scottland ?
May Cruft May Cruft
Scottland ?
Alex-Erin Logan Alex-Erin Logan
Striker , 17 years
Scottland ?