SSV Buer 07/28 Germany - Fußball-und Leichtathletik-Verband Westfalen

Squad of SSV Buer 07/28 in detail

# Name / Age / Position Foot Height Nat. in the team
Chantalle Blanke Chantalle Blanke
Goalkeeper , 22 years
left Germany 2018 - ?
Katharina Rogalla Katharina Rogalla
Midfield , 36 years
both 1,72 Germany 2020 - ?
Melis Kacan Melis Kacan
Midfield , 25 years
1,50 Germany 2020 - ?
Kathrin Stemmer Kathrin Stemmer
Midfield , 42 years
right 1,65 Germany 2020 - ?
Jaqueline Schwenke Jaqueline Schwenke
Germany 2017 - ?