SV Eintracht Leipzig-Süd II Germany

 SV Eintracht Leipzig-Süd   SV Eintracht Leipzig-Süd U17   

Squad of SV Eintracht Leipzig-Süd II in detail

# Name / Age / Position Foot Height Nat. in the team
Anne Walter Anne Walter
Goalkeeper , 35 years
Germany 2013 - ?
Sandra Bryks Sandra Bryks
Defence , 39 years
Germany 2013 - ?
Lisa Otto Lisa Otto
Midfield , 35 years
Germany 2013 - ?
Leonie Schleifnig Leonie Schleifnig
Midfield , 28 years
Germany 2019 - ?
Carolin Fikus Carolin Fikus
Midfield , 31 years
Germany 2017 - ?
Mandy Gallitschke Mandy Gallitschke
Striker , 46 years
Germany 2017 - ?
Isabelle Tobolewski Isabelle Tobolewski
Striker , 36 years
Germany 2013 - ?